Democrats in Disarray – Andrew Romanoff Blasted on Immigration

Democrats in Disarray – Andrew Romanoff Blasted on Immigration

June 4, 2019

ALL: At a campaign event over the weekend, candidate Lorena Garcia blasted her fellow Democrat and primary opponent Andrew Romanoff for immigration laws he advanced in 2006 that were some of the harshest in the nation.

This isn’t the first time Romanoff has been criticized by fellow Democrats for the immigration laws he passed while Speaker of the House. Former State Senator Jessie Ulibarri famously said

“Speaker Romanoff threw the Latino community .”

And years later, Sen. Ulibarri joined other leaders in the Latino community in an Op-Ed stating

“After the passage of legislation that so many of us in the Latino community fought against, [Romanoff] , boasting, ‘Colorado passed more bills to curb illegal immigration than any other non-border state in the nation…’”


Romanoff has since attempted to backpedal and fall in line with his fellow liberals on the issue of immigration. He clearly hasn’t convinced opponents like Lorena Garcia.

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