Hickenlooper’s energy agenda…spoken like a capitalist

Hickenlooper’s energy agenda…spoken like a capitalist

March 26, 2019

Just last month, John Hickenlooper saying he’d be happy to embrace “99 percent” of the Green New Deal – confusing many who’ve followed his energy policy pre-presidential campaign.


Today – while the U.S. Senate votes on the “Green Dream” – Hickenlooper published a rebuke in a . (Sidebar: many of his ideas make him sound like a proud CAPITALIST).

“The resolution sets unachievable goals. We do not yet have the technology needed to reach “net-zero greenhouse gas emissions” in 10 years.”

“In addition to technological barriers, the Ocasio-Cortez-Markey resolution sets the Green New Deal up for failure by shifting away from private decision-making and toward the public sector — including multiple provisions with little connection to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

“The Ocasio-Cortez-Markey resolution gives government the dominant role on investment decisions, but most of the gains we have seen in recent years on renewable energy have come from entrepreneurs and companies responding to incentives from the market and the federal government, not bending to federal mandates.”

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