December 4, 2020
December 4, 2020
Presumptive President-elect Joe Biden has formed his campaign and transition rhetoric around “uniting the country,” but so far has only furthered the divide by naming radical partisans to serve in his administration.
For example, Biden announced he’s appointing to head the COVID-19 response. The former (and likely future) U.S. Surgeon General has advocated for a federal mask mandate, and has taken radical liberal positions in the past – such as calling gun control a health care issue.
Vivek has also held key roles in working with Vermont Socialist Bernie Sanders to craft Biden’s health care policies which move the United States toward a Single Payer health care system.
As it is shaping up, many in Joe Biden’s cabinet and closest advisors hold extreme liberal beliefs. His transition team also includes dozens of corporate lobbyists — who Biden has previously referred to as “” to the political system.