Obamacare is a failed experiment of a government takeover of our health care system that has cost Coloradans millions of dollars, and for hundreds of thousands of people it’s cost the health insurance plans they wanted.
October 5, 2020
Obamacare is a failed experiment of a government takeover of our health care system that has cost Coloradans millions of dollars, and for hundreds of thousands of people it’s cost the health insurance plans they wanted.
October 5, 2020
Obamacare is a failed experiment of a government takeover of our health care system that has cost Coloradans millions of dollars, and for hundreds of thousands of people it’s cost the health insurance plans they wanted.
In Colorado, the result of government-run health care has been a 46% increase in out-of-pocket health care costs, skyrocketing deductibles, and fewer options.
Senator Cory Gardner has been highlighting the dangers of moving Colorado even further from a patient-centered approach toward a public option, or full government control over health care, that his opponent John Hickenlooper has advocated for.
During a recent debate, Gardner made the point that a public option would decimate rural Colorado hospitals and eliminate private insurance.
Gardner advocates for a system in which people with pre-existing conditions will maintain their coverage, and where Obamacare is replaced with a system that drives down the cost and increases quality by putting the patient-doctor relationship back in the center instead of unelected government bureaucrats.