October 15, 2018
October 15, 2018
According to a 187-page ethics complaint filed last Friday, Governor Hickenlooper has violated state ethics and reporting laws on several occasions by accepting private jet flights and lavish travel expenses and not reporting them.
The Governor could make these complaints all go away by simply proving that he paid for the expenses himself (), but it’s been 4 days since the story broke and all we’ve heard is sweep it under the rug.
“It’s one thing that Hickenlooper is traveling around the world and measuring drapes for the White House, but in accepting these lavish trips, he’s breaking Colorado law,” said Communications Director Lindsey Singer.
: Gov. Hickenlooper jet-sets across the globe on private planes paid for by others, new ethics complaint alleges
“Governor Hickenlooper’s extravagant travel habits have been the source of public speculation for years,” McNulty said in a news release issued Friday. “After conducting extensive research, we learned that the problem is far more serious than any of us could have realized.”
“PTI lays out a number of other flights Hickenlooper took before 2018, which it says is proof of his long-standing use of unreported privately paid travel, many of them on jets owned by Douglas County-based Liberty Media Corp., run by billionaire John Malone. Hickenlooper’s wife, Robin, is senior vice president of corporate development at Liberty Media.”
The headlines piled up over the weekend without any proof from the Governor’s Office to discredit the claims:
: Hickenlooper’s office labels ethics complaint a political stunt
: Gov. Hickenlooper faces ethics complaint regarding his travel ahead of 2020
: Gov. Hickenlooper faces state ethics complaint over lavish trips abroad
: Ethics complaint alleges Hickenlooper violated travel & gift rules, tried to conceal violations
: Complaint: Hickenlooper Didn’t Report DIA Travel As Gifts; Governor’s Office Disputes
: Colo. Gov. Hickenlooper Accepted Prohibited Gifts of Private Plane Use, Complaint Alleges
He’s going to be doing a lot more traveling . We wonder who will be paying.