October 15, 2018
October 15, 2018
New digital ads by Colorado Rising Action address major issues that Coloradans will be voting on in the coming weeks.
“People will be getting their ballots in the mail this week and we’re doing a big push to make sure Coloradans have important information about the issues they’re voting on,” said Executive Director Tilor Ridge.
Some ads address Proposition 112, the 2,500 foot oil & gas setback initiative, and focus on its impact on education funding and job loss.
“Prop 112 will kill the oil & gas industry in Colorado and the ripple effects of that will be felt in communities all across the state,” said Fields.
Other ads address the two transportation ballot initiatives. Proposition 109 will mandate that high priority infrastructure projects are paid for through the state budget. On the other hand, Proposition 110 is a statewide sales tax increase of 0.62%, with only 45% going to fund badly-needed state highway projects. Our motto: “Yes To Roads, No To Taxes. Yes To 109, No To 110.”
“Coloradans have said that funding infrastructure is a top priority, and when Prop 110 fails it will send a clear message to the legislature that they need to prioritize transportation funding within the $30 billion state budget,” said Fields.
Colorado Rising Action is also advertising against Amendment 73, a $1.6 billion tax increase to fund education, and has led the charge against this tax increase for months.