October 18, 2018
October 18, 2018
ALL: Gubernatorial candidate Jared Polis made 100% renewable energy by 2040 a major when he announced his candidacy. But in the last few debates he’s completely backtracked this postition, calling it a “goal” and not a “mandate.”
When asked if his campaign platform is just a “flashy-sounding empty promise,” Polis responded during the 9News Denver debate, “You call it flashy-sounding, I call it inspirational.” (watch at 1:30)
Polis also claimed again that the 100% renewable energy policy “is not mine.”
This is misleading, and an obvious change of position. Maybe it’s because Polis has read the polling and sees that Propostion 112, the setback initiative, will likely fail.
We didn’t agree with Polis’ position from the beginning, but many Coloradans likely believed that Polis meant he would work for 100% renewables. What are people supposed to believe he will do if he sits in the Governor’s office?