August 17, 2018
August 17, 2018
The public pressure of two , a , and a lot of , finally pushed Phil Weiser to do the right thing and apologize for bullying and body shaming a young staffer hired to track his campaign for Attorney General.
Weiser’s tracker tantrum actually highlights the tracking and research that Colorado Rising Action does, and why it’s important.
In a tweet (that has since been deleted), Phil complains about having an America Rising tracker following his campaign. This raises the question: What is Phil so afraid the tracker will catch him saying?!?!
Weiser’s campaign and supporters piled on with a barrage of negative personal attacks on the young staffer. These reports do a good job of summarizing what went down:
– “EDITORIAL: Be nice to trackers, but keep them bored”
– “It looks like this Democrat running of state office just now learned about campaign trackers”
– “AG Candidate’s Campaign Body-Shames Oppo Group’s Video Tracker”
– “WTF IS WRONG WITH WEISER? Dem AG Candidate Fat Shames GOP Staffer”
We will continue to track Phil Weiser’s public events and hold him accountable for his words and actions.
UPDATE: Phil Weiser apologized with the following tweets:
Then, in an interview blamed Twitter’s “” for the whole ordeal.